Amazon is a male Dachshund that was purchased from a private breeder. His name was chosen when the Foundation was chosen as one of the organizations to win the “Amazon in the Community Program 2015” organized by AMAZON Spain in December 2015.
He undertakes duties as a therapy dog in the various centers with collaborative agreements with the Foundation and is currently undergoing his training process.
His selection process filtered aspects such as; breeder, lineage, origins, genetic heritage and family to thereby guarantee that we had a good therapy dog
Since becoming an asset to the Foundation, Amazon has trained at the AAT therapy centers and will continue to do so for the rest of his life as a therapy dog once having gained a basic level of socialization. The president of the Canis Majoris Foundation decided that Amazon´s training would be focused from a more innovative and different perspective: he lives with his trainer, Irene García-Rama, which has enormously favored his cognitive and emotional development. At a very early stage he was trained with specific games, he was trained to accompany, to listen and give love without requesting anything in exchange.
Dachshunds are a small breed of dog that can reach a height of around 17 to 25 centimeters depending on the variety.
They are usually long-bodied, compact and short-legged in relation to their bodies.
Their coat is usually dapple or harlequined. (one-toned from yellow to reddish), brindled or two-tone although the most frequent color being black or brown with red.
Dachshunds have a temperament that is very balanced, a strong personality and much initiative as well as ease of adaptation to different environments, making it the perfect breed for carrying out good Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT).
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